Experience Davis

Party Safe!

Here's some basic things you can do:

Before u go:

Tell someone you trust where you are going and what you're doing.

Plan ahead and take all the stuff you need - money, water bottle, earplugs, sun block, phone card. 
Remember too: condoms reduce the chance of STIs (sexually transmitted infections) 

Decide who will be your sober / straight drivers.

Take clothes and shoes that you will need - will it get colder later? - will you be dancing heaps or walking a long way?

Stash taxi money at home, and take back-up cash just in case.

Alcohol or other Drugs?

Using most drugs (including alcohol) is risky and the safest option is not to use any at all.
Buying, possessing or using most drugs, (including buying alcohol if you are under 18 years of age), is illegal.

If you choose to drink alcohol: go slow, drink some water in between and eat snacks.

Avoid mixing alcohol and other drugs!  Effects can be unpredictable and dangerous!

If you choose to drink alcohol: take your own and make sure it doesn't get spiked!  Avoid drinking other people's drinks - you don't know what's in them and it's unsafe to share spit (meningitis & herpes cold sores are just a couple of germs or viruses you can get by sharing drinks)

Keep your mates safe:

Go partying with people you can rely on. Stick together, look out for each other & make sure everyone's safe.

Make times and places to catch up with your mates if you get separated.

If someone feels sick don't leave them by themselves. If you feel sick ask someone to look out for you.

Heat stroke is dangerous and can happen when people get too hot from the sun, hot environments and exertion.
You can avoid heatstroke by taking regular breaks from dancing, sipping 600mls of water per hour (eg a Pump bottle), eating salty snacks and not drinking alcohol.

If someone collapses or is unconscious call an ambulance (911) immediately!

Rest and eat before and between partying.

Let someone know if you decide to leave. If a friend leaves make sure that they have a safe way to get home.