Experience Davis

What are some ways for students and career driven individuals to maintain mental and emotional health? 

There are two great challenges to maintaining mental and emotional health. The first challenge is that our minds tend to override – and then forget about – the wisdom of our hearts and bodies, so we tend to do things without noticing how we feel or what we value.  The second challenge is that there are just so many distractions these days – external voices that us what to do and even what to want, or just pull our attention away from ourselves.  Both of these challenges cause us to become dissociated, and make decisions that are not healthy for ourselves or for others.  So the most important way to maintain mental and emotional health is to make sure that you learn good techniques for checking in with your heart, your body, your values, your dreams – and that you get in the habit of doing this often.   

What are some tips to reduce stress?

1) Learn to distinguish those activities and situations that stress you from those that stress you.   you from those that stress you.  When you are stressed, you are probably not learning anything, and you may even be interfering with your ability to learn.  But when you are stretched, you are developing new skills and finding new dimensiosn to yourself and in life.

2) Learn how to set clear boundaries and learn to say “no” when you need to.

3) Learn a meditative practice that you can deploy with a moment’s notice. 
4) Understand that, ultimately, stress comes down to your own consciousness, i.e. how you are framing each situation.  So there is no better investment than in the healing, transforming, and expanding your own point-of-view.

How would you define an effective contemporary leader in today's society?

The definition of leadership seems to be in transition, from the “command and control” model to a more facilitative and collaborative model.  So it’s a bit hard to say exactly what an effective leader is – it depends on which model you choose.  In the old model, a leader would be considered effective if he achieved his goals in spite of opposition.  In the new model, a leader might be considered effective if she helps a community work through a problem and discover a creative solution collaboratively.

Personally, I am interested in seeing leaders who have the ability to listen, the ability to hear different points of view, the ability to keep calm and promote calmness, the ability to help people discover deep potential in a crisis, the ability to look within for new ideas, and the ability to be responsive in the moment. 

In your opinion, what is the key to success?

The “key to success” is either:  
a) getting what you want
b) appreciating what you have
c) enjoying the process of trying to get what you don’t have. 

Martin Boroson

Martin Boroson is emerging as a playful and practical new voice in the next wave of meditation teachers. 

His new book, One-Moment Meditation: Stillness for People on the Go, has been published in eight languages. He teaches this technique in leadership seminars, workplace trainings, teleseminars, and in the media.  He also lectures, coaches and consults on the applications of a meditative mind to leadership and decision-making.

For the Federation of Organic Milk Groups, Martin recently created theTake-a-MoomentTM radio campaign, heard on numerous BBC stations. For Irish national radio, he devised and presented “The National Moment of Stillness,” for which thousands of people all over Ireland stopped what they were doing to experience together thirty seconds of total silence, live on air.  Said the host, Derek Mooney, on the following day, “the whole nation was enthralled.”

Martin studied philosophy at Yale, earned an MBA from the Yale School of Management, and has a background in psychology and the arts. He is a formal student of Zen Buddhism and a long-time facilitator of Holotropic Breathwork. His spiritual creation story, Becoming Me, has been praised by scientists, psychologists, and leaders of many faiths.  Now also an animated short film, Becoming Me is being used in schools to teach interfaith understanding, philosophy for children, and environmental awareness.