Experience Davis

Religious Organizations

Adventist Christian Fellowship, Davis (ACF)

Adventist Christian Fellowship is a Christian club at UC Davis with the goal of bringing students and Davis community members together in fellowship by promoting healthy relationships with Christ through social and spiritual discussion.

Agnostic & Atheist Student Association, (AgASA) http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2200395326

AgASA is a campus organization with the purpose of uniting the many agnostics and atheists on campus and providing an opportunity to socialize with the like-minded. The group does not adhere to any particular school of thought within atheism or agnosticism and the meetings are discussion-based.

Asian American Christian Fellowship (AACF) http://davisaacf.com

The mission of AACF is to reach into the university and collegiate community, primarily to those who are Asian Pacific Americans, with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

Bahai Club

To bring about campus awareness of the Bahai Faith and what it stands for, to build unity/ties between religious organizations on campus, and to offer acts of service (children's moral/spiritual development classes for the public, similar classes for junior youth, devotional gatherings that aim to bring together people of all backgrounds/religions and to read inspirational/spiritual writings, and to go through a learning process using prepared material to learn about spirituality

Black Campus Ministries (BCM)

Our purpose is to explore the life of Jesus Christ and his ministry as presented in the Bible with those who come to weekly bible studies and to use it as a guideline on how to live everyday life. We aim to promote spiritual growth for each individual and we encourage outreach, goodwill and witnessing. Overall, we are striving to build a Christian community based on support and growth.

Bridges International (Bridges Int'l)

We are a Christian club that reaches out to international students and connects them with local students. We provide a community that helps them adjust to American and introduce them to American culture. We also organize fun events, provide opportunities to practice English and explore how the Christian faith is expressed in everyday life.

Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) http://www.now.org

NOW is the largest and most comprehensive feminist advocacy group in the United States. Our purpose is to take action to brig women into full participation in society- sharing equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities with men, while living free from discrimination.

Catalyst http://ucov.com/go/gollege

Our group Catalyst works to encourage each other to follow a Christ like life and to become better people in the process.

Catholic Medical Student Association (CMSA) at UC Davis http://www.cathmsa.org/

The Catholic Medical Student Association (CMSA) at the UC Davis School of Medicine was formed to provide incoming medical students with a source of support as they enter this new chapter of their lives, to provide existing medical students with a source of support as they journey through their medical education, and to provide a forum for everyone to discuss important bioethical issues in medicine, especially those concerning the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Chai http://www.chabadofdavis.org

We are a Jewish Orthodox student group that seeks to serve the religious, social, educational, and spiritual needs of all Jewish students regardless of their affiliation.

Christian Graduate Fellowship (CGF)

The purpose of this group is to provide a support forum for Christian graduate students at UC Davis. It will focus on their specific needs as graduate students and provide a source of community.

Christian Legal Society (CLS) http://students.law.ucdavis.edu/cls/

The Christian Legal Society is a nationwide organization of attorneys, judges and law students. CLS at King Hall is an inter-denominational group of Christians, mostly of law students, but open to any UC Davis student (grad or undergrad) or lawyer who would like to worship and study with the group.

Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF)

CMF is an interdenominational student group, which ties to CMDA, the Christian Medical and Dental Association, that seeks to promote a greater understanding of the Christian faith and how it relates and to life and medicine. Further more, CMF wishes to create opportunities for students and doctors to engage in intellectual, social and religious issues.

Christian Veterinary Fellowship (CVF)

The Christian Veterinary Fellowship (CVF) is established to provide networking and support opportunities for Christian veterinary students through weekly Bible studies and group events while reaching out to the veterinary school through encouragement projects and special talks. CVF is a student chapter of Christian Veterinary Missions, a faith-based organization that provides international humanitarian veterinary opportunities for veterinarians and veterinary students.

College Life Christian Fellowship http://www.fbcdavis.org/groups/college.html

College Life is a social organization promoting Christian fellowship and helping students mature so they can impact their world for Christ

Compass Christian Fellowship http://d-ccc.org/fellowship

Compass Christian Fellowship is a Christian organization affiliated with the Davis Chinese Christian Church. Compass Fellowship seeks to develop student’s relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, worship and weekly Bible Studies. We seek to support one another in our faith and taking joy in furthering our understanding of the Bible.

Davis 1000 Wells Project http://www.davis1000wells.org

In response to God’s love and his heart for justice for all people, the Davis 1000 Wells Project exists to provide clean, accessible and sustainable water sources for sub- Sahara African communities by raising awareness and funds throughout the UC Davis campus and greater Davis community.

Davis Cantonese Christian Fellowship (DCCF) http://www.d-ccc.net/ccf

Building up fellowship members according to the teachings, examples, and principles of Jesus Christ.

Davis Christian Fellowship (DCF) http://dcfdavis.org

Davis Christian Fellowship (DCF) is a community of students from various backgrounds who come together to encourage, strengthen and support one another in their pursuit of God, as well as personal growth, leadership development, fun and life-long friendships. Our meetings are informal, charged with music, and enthusiastic messages with social events afterwards.

Destino Christian Fellowship

Latino Christian fellowship working towards fulfilling the spiritual needs of students and becoming a resource for spiritual growth. We are geared toward serving the Latino students as well as the Latino community through outreach and community service. Distino is a familia where students can connect to other students.

EPIC http://www.davisepic.com/

To provide a place Asian Americans can come to enjoy fellowship and to all students at UC Davis the possibility of hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Fan into Flame Fellowship http://fff.crolocc.org

We are a group of college students form Capital River of Life Christian Church (CROLCC) who are passionate about our Lord Jesus Christ. Whether you have been a believer for awhile, or just are interested about Christianity, you are very welcomed to join our meetings in Olson 261, on Friday nights at 7:30 pm. Our Prayer is that this fellowship can become your spiritual home, and that it will strengthen you throughout your college career.

Father I Release Everything (FIRE)

To tell the world of the never ending love of Christ.

Fellowship of Coptic Christian University Students (FOCCUS) http://foccus.blogspot.com

The purpose of FOCCUS is to bring together the many Coptic students at UCD. With Coptic people coming from all parts of California and sometimes out of state, we like to provide a friendly and familiar community to those newcomers. Also, it is to spread the World of God and inform anyone who would like to know about the Coptic Orthodox Church.

Global Grace


Gospel Choir at UC Davis

To create an environment where students/individuals can come together in harmony and build lasting relationships through music and praise.

Grace Alive!


Grace Alive! is a group of students excited about the grace that God has given to us in Jesus Christ. God has made us alive, and our desire is that our lives as students may shine forth the incomparable riches of God's grace revealed to us in Christ. We meet weekly on campus to sing, study the Bible, fellowship and to encourage one another. We also have regular social activities and retreats.

Green Olive Tree

Our group is campus Christian fellowship that targets Korean-Americans, especially Korean speakers. Every Friday we have Friday worship around 7 P.M. We use to have meeting at Wellman and we hope to continue.

Interfaith Student Interest Group (SIG)

The Interfaith student interest group provides a venue for conversation and deeper understanding of the personal, social, and medical issues important to people of many religious and spiritual backgrounds. We strive to understand the human experience within a religious context in order to better understand our patients and the communities we will serve.

International Cooperation

Helping global minorities, based upon Christian Mission Perspective 1) Serving the social minorities abroad with our academic and practical specialties. 2) Researching different areas, especially the 4th world composed of political minorities dominated by other ethnic or religious groups.

Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) http://www.davisivcf.org

We are a group of multi-ethnic, multi denominational students sharing in community, leadership, and fellowship.

Koinonia @ Davis http://www.koinoniadavis.org/

Koinonia is a campus fellowship ('koinonia' is 'fellowship' in Greek) that fosters a warm, friendly environment where any student with questions about Christianity can find answers, and those who are already Christians can grow deeper in their faith. Our weekly Friday night Bible studies draw relevant life lessons from the Bible with practical applications to college students. We also have special seminars (e.g., Worldview, Science & Christianity, “Real Community”) and various small groups with safe cozy environments. We also serve the community by visiting nearby nursing homes and serving as dorm move-in volunteers (helping new students on dorm move-in day). And of course, we also enjoy fun fellowship through various activities (hiking trips, sports, outings, etc.)--always with great food! We welcome you to come and check out our fellowship!

Koinonia @ Davis - Grad Division http://www.kdgrad.org

We're a group of graduate and professional students, post docs, and alumni that shares God's love through studying relevant truths of the Bible. We provide a warm, friendly environment where those who want to learn about Christianity can find answers, and those who are already Christians can deepen their faith. Come and share in our fellowship -that is what "Koinonia" is all about! For more information, visit kDgrad.org

Korea Campus Crusade for Christ (KCCC) http://www.kcccla.com/

Christian Ministry on campus to raise the awareness of what Christianity is about and help the people who are interested.

LaFe (Latino Fellowship) http://www.davisivcf.org/LaFe.html

LaFe (Latino Fellowship) is an ethnic-specific ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship serving Latino college students of diverse backgrounds. LaFe is committed to developing Latino students into leaders who embrace their Latino identity as a gift from God, pursue an understanding of scripture that addresses core needs of the Latino community, and become ambassadors of justice with the love of Jesus Christ as they explore God, Cultura, and Faith.

Latter Day Saint Student Association - (LDSSA)

To allow members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to meet other members on campus and get involved in classes, activities, and general events that go on at the Davis Institute of Religion.

Lutheran Episcopal Campus Fellowship (LECF or the Belfry) http://www.thebelfry.org

The Belfry wants to create opportunities for Christian fellowship, worship and service for students. We seek to do this through meetings, retreats, speakers etc. We emphasize Lutheran, Episcopal and similar traditions, with their values of grace and acceptance without condition. We take scripture seriously but not literally.

Mission242 http://mission242davis.blogspot.com/

The purpose of Mission 242 is to help students "get connected" with God, bridge the gap between college to career by investigating truth claims using a biblical world view, and provide a community for fellowship, singing, and prayer (Acts 2:42).

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana/o de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A.)

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana/o de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A) is a student organization that promotes higher education, cultura, and historia. MEChA was founded on the principles of self determination for the liberation of our people. We believe that political involvement and education is the avenue for change in our society.

Mustard Seed Ministry (MSM) http://daviskoreanchurch.org/dkcmsm

Our mission is to be and make disciples-to equip believers to become fully devoted disciples of Christ and makes disciples of all nations. As a ministry, we exist to… 1. Exalt (up-reach): glorifying God in all that we do 2. Equip (in-reach): training the church to be fully functioning disciples 3. Edify (in-reach): providing a safe harbor for genuine fellowship

Newman Catholic Student Community

The purpose of the Newman Center is to support the students of UC Davis according to the principles of the Roman Catholic Church.

Operation Christmas Child at UC Davis http://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/occ/

We are a student group that meets to discuss and to be enlightened by modern happenings in and out of the global Christian community while seeking donations for and building Christmas shoeboxes to distribute to impoverished children around the world as a tangible testament of love and giving.

Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) http://ocf.net

The mission of OCF is to ensure that college students have the opportunity to stay connected with their faith and church while attending college, and to inform members of the community Orthodox Christianity. OCF provides students a sense of community, fellowship and worship I the tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

River on Campus http://rivercitygrace.org

River on Campus is the College ministry of River City Grace Community Church. Through the faithful teaching of God’s word and fellowship with one another, we desire to see God exalted as his grace and truth in Jesus Christ abound in and overflow to more and more people.”

Sikh Leadership Council (SLC)

The Sikh Leadership Council represents the Sikh Community on the UC Davis campus. We also aim to educate the non-Sikh population about the Sikh faith and bring the Sikh community on campus together.

Spotlight Ministries http://www.calvarychapeldavis.org/index.php?show=spotlight

We exist to help students explore a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ as described in the Bible. We seek to glorify God through worship, study and service.

Students for Nichiren Buddhism (SNB)

To educate and connect with the campus community at large, based on the principles of Nichiren Buddhism, which include belief in the infinite potential of people and the sanctity of human life, and the encouragement of the creation of value in life.

Students for the Truth http://students4thetruth.wordpress.com

To provide a service to the UCD campus by establishing regular meetings for students who are interested in learning the truth in the bible and to have regular fellowship with Christians.

Unitarian Universalist Campus Ministry (UUCM) http://www.uudavis.org

The Unitarian Universalist Campus Group is Davis is a liberal, diverse and inclusive group of students committed to sharing, exploring and developing our unique spiritual paths and social justice concerns in community with fellow students. We regularly meet for fun activates such as homemade suppers. Retreats and outdoor trips. We offer small group explorations of spiritual, ethical and global issues to our members as well as the chance to participate in liberating social justice actions and public service projects though the Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis.

Youth for Christ (YFC) http://cfc--usa.com/

CFC-Youth for Christ (CFCY or YFC) is a nationwide & international Catholic-based youth ministry dedicated to spreading the word of God through faith, fellowship, freedom and fun. YFC Davis is the campus-based chapter at UC Davis and is open to anyone and everyone from all races, cultures and denominations.