Experience Davis

Healthy Recipes for College Students: Cheap, Easy & Quick

Hard-boiled Egg

(63 calories, 4g fat, 5g protein, 1g carb, 181mg cholestrol, sodium 54mg)
Place egg in pot full of water.
Bring water to a boil, then reduce heat and let simmer for 13-15 min.
Remove egg from water (careful, hot!), and plunge in cold water.
Eat now or refridgerate to eat later on. Salt and pepper to taste! :) 

Scrambled Eggs

(115 calories, 8g fat, 8g protein, 275mg cholesterol, 106mg sodium)
Beat together 3 eggs and 1 tablespoon of skim milk
Place 1 teaspoon margarine in pan over low heat. Pour egg mixture in.
Stir gently for 5 min, season with salt and pepper.
(Add diced onions, peppers or tomatoes in before egg mixture for extra flavor)